What is the mission of First Church in Ludlow?
First Church in Ludlow, United Church of Christ, is a supportive fellowship community worshiping God, celebrating the teachings of Jesus and invited together in faith in the presence of the Holy Spirit to make a better world by putting our prayers and faith into action through caring, sharing, and giving.
What is the purpose of First Church in Ludlow?The purpose of this Church shall be the worship of God; the preaching, teaching and living of the Gospel as set forth in the Holy Scriptures; the cultivation of Christian character; the development of fellowship; the encouragement of service, justice and peace to all humankind and unity within this Church and the Church universal.
What is the worship service like?
Worship is the most important thing that we do together as Christians. Through regular worship we gain strength from one another and from God. Our worship is rich in both traditional and contemporary styles. Our Musical Ministry is inspiring. We celebrate two Sacraments. Holy Communion, or the Lord's Supper, is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. It is open to all who confess faith in Jesus Christ. Infant Baptism and Adult Baptism are available in consultation with the Pastor and the Deacons. Church school-age children attend the first part of the worship service, including a much-anticipated Children's Moment, and then attend Church School classes. Nursery and child-care services are provided during worship.
How do I become a member?
Membership in First Church is through Baptism and a Confession or Reaffirmation of Faith, Confirmation, or through a Letter of Transfer from another church. Members are asked to worship God together on a regular basis and to make a pledge of time, talent and treasure toward the work and ministry of the Church in the parish, local community and beyond, as they are able. The Pastor and Deacons oversee the membership process. They are always eager to extend an invitation to Church membership. Membership classes are held at least twice each year. The process is easy and the rewards of Church membership are many.